"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
Anatole France
Ever wondered why dogs did not evolve into human beings? Well, the answer is simple - so that human beings could retain the element of humanity in them. Those with no exposure in this front are free to differ in opinion. But that, however, does not change the truth.
Research has proven that dogs are blessed with the power of healing when it comes to human maladies. Patients who've had dogs for company while convalescing have witnessed faster recovery from their ailments. In certain cases when doctors had given up hope, it was the quadruped that acted as the elixir of life. Dogs slow the process of ageing in humans. They imbue in you an unconscious state of happiness. You do not know where it comes from but it becomes a part of you; as inseparable as the source of that happiness.
A dog will love you more than it loves itself; and will do so without a trace of hesitation and that love grows at an unending pace with the passage of time. Notwithstanding what you are to the world, to your dog you will be the world. There is no feeling in this universe better than that of knowing that your darling canine will await your return at the doorstep, no matter what time of the day or night it may be. It will come running to you with a welcome hug exuding unwavering affection. And trust me, simple though it seems in these words, it will indeed mean the world to you when it really happens. You will have yet another incentive to go back home.
Believe it or not, dogs can sense human moods and emotions and in turn get affected by the same. If you are a little low someday your pet will definitely sense it, and its anti-depressant defence mechanism will automatically begin to work. That ball of fur will do just about anything to make you happy. It will catch your attention, compel you to chase it, maybe it'll chase you or playfully gnaw at your hands! A simple pat on its head, or a little cuddling will do the trick. And before you realise, you are already a part of the game the little brute started. All stress busters take a back seat once your doggy sweetheart takes up the task to itself to de-stress you.
Its not just a give-give relation with dogs, or for that matter with any animal that humans interact with. Dogs are like babies that never grow up. They have to be cradled, fussed about with and taken care of - always. In the process of rearing a puppy to a dog we humans go through a transition in our outlook towards life. When you fend for an animal you realise the virtue of selfless service. Getting home a pet dog or simply taking care of one is an act that arises out of pure compassion (unless you are a breeder and do this to earn your livelihood) in human beings. It evokes in us the feeling of giving without expecting. It shows us the real meaning of unconditional love. With time we tend to bury these feelings deep within and forget them in the furious pace of our busy lives; but our dogs make sure to dig them out and give us blissful contentment. Very few things in life come remotely close to replicating this strange euphoria.
If you are a dog lover, you know exactly what I am talking about. If not, well, you will get the essence of what I am trying to convey only once you experience the rapture, if and when you do; and I sincerely hope that you do. I say this because I could have bought a small yacht with what I spent on my dog and all the things he destroyed. Then again, how many yachts wait by the door all day for your return?
(Dedicated to my darling son, Snow)