Monday, 2 December 2013

Random Ramblings

We'll find people, in any and every walk of life, doling out unsolicited advice for world peace, post-war restoration and a ton of other issues which would supposedly contribute towards emaciation of human suffering. Everyone's a humanitarian at the macro level. Where this feeling hides itself at the micro level is what intrigues me. We harangue about issues concerning human rights violation but do we let those thoughts become our actions when we deal with real people? Why is it so difficult to empathize? Why must our sensitivity and emotions be reserved for just ourselves or for the larger good of the society? What will we lose by extending warm gesture to someone in dire need of it? To someone that we may come across in the course of our normal day-to-day lives. To someone who may not necessarily have a story worthy of becoming the prime time debate on national TV.

#Something to think about.