A movie called Rockstar had a ridiculous song in its album that went "Sheher mein hoon main tere..", meaning "I am in your city". Nothing ridiculous about the idea as such, but the composition in its entirety is. My rather wacko alter ego takes charge sometimes and makes me listen to this track - on loop! Why this random thought strikes me now is because in one particular late evening lecture (details withheld obviously!) I took a little walk on the path taken by the song writer of the afore ridiculed song and came up with an original ridiculous composition. I wouldn't dare to call it a poem.
At the blank white wall I am compelled to stare,
Not daunted by the professor's glare,
Given a choice I'd rather be elsewhere,
But you don't always get what you want so here I am in class, rocking on a chair.
The coffee I had has done me no good,
I was promised it'd ward off my sleep,
Yet I find my drowsiness digging in deep,
I suppress my yawn not wanting to be rude.
As the minutes pass my concentration continues to dwindle,
My eyelids hurt as though being pricked by a needle,
Why did Rowling invent the Bard called Beedle?
Now the only rhyming word I can think of is swindle!
One of those occasions when the sleep deprived me gets high on caffeine,
All senses beginning to drain.
My distractions definitely evident, as attentiveness I cannot feign,
All senses beginning to drain.
My distractions definitely evident, as attentiveness I cannot feign,
And wouldn't care come storm or rain!
The wacko alter ego - break dancing now - tries to hi-5 me. I pass, with a straight face. Let's play JLo and Pitbull for consolation, we concur.